

User-oriented Security Supporting Inter-disciplinary Life Science Research across the Grid

14 years 2 months ago
User-oriented Security Supporting Inter-disciplinary Life Science Research across the Grid
Abstract Understanding potential genetic factors in disease or development of personalised e-Health solutions require scientists to access a multitude of data and compute resources across the Internet from functional genomics resources through to epidemiological studies. The Grid paradigm provides a compelling model whereby seamless access to these resources can be achieved. However, the acceptance of Grid technologies in this domain by researchers and resource owners must satisfy particular constraints from this community - two of the most critical of these constraints being advanced security and usability. In this paper we show how the Internet2 Shibboleth technology combined with advanced authorisation infrastructures can help address these constraints. We demonstrate the viability of this approach through a selection of case studies across the complete life science spectrum.
Richard O. Sinnott, Oluwafemi Ajayi, Jipu Jiang, A
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where NGC
Authors Richard O. Sinnott, Oluwafemi Ajayi, Jipu Jiang, Anthony Stell, John Watt
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