

Time-optimum packet scheduling for many-to-one routing in wireless sensor networks

14 years 10 days ago
Time-optimum packet scheduling for many-to-one routing in wireless sensor networks
Abstract— This paper studies the WSN application scenario with periodical traffic from all sensors to a sink. We present a time-optimum and energy-efficient packet scheduling algorithm and its distributed implementation. We first give a general many-to-one packet scheduling algorithm for wireless networks, and then prove that it is timeoptimum and costs max(2N(u1) − 1, N(u0) − 1) time slots, assuming each node reports one unit of data in each round. Here N(u0) is the total number of sensors, while N(u1) denotes the number of sensors in a sink’s largest branch subtree. With a few adjustments, we then show that our algorithm also achieves time-optimum scheduling in heterogeneous scenarios, where each sensor reports a heterogeneous amount of data in each round. Then we give a distributed implementation to let each node calculate its dutycycle locally and maximize efficiency globally. In this packet scheduling algorithm, each node goes to sleep whenever it is not transceiving, ...
Wen-Zhan Song, Fenghua Yuan, Richard LaHusen, Behr
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Wen-Zhan Song, Fenghua Yuan, Richard LaHusen, Behrooz Shirazi
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