

An approximation algorithm for sorting by reversals and transpositions

14 years 1 months ago
An approximation algorithm for sorting by reversals and transpositions
Abstract. Genome rearrangement algorithms are powerful tools to analyze gene orders in molecular evolution. Analysis of genomes evolving by reversals and transpositions leads to a combinatorial problem of sorting by reversals and transpositions, the problem of finding a shortest sequence of reversals and transpositions that sorts one genome into the other. In this paper we present a (4 - 2 k )-approximation algorithm for sorting by reversals and transpositions for unsigned permutations where k is the approximation ratio of the algorithm used for cycle decomposition. For the best known value of k our approximation ratio becomes 2.5909 + for any > 0. We also derive a lower bound on reversal and transposition distance of an unsigned permutation.
Atif Rahman, Swakkhar Shatabda, Masud Hasan
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JDA
Authors Atif Rahman, Swakkhar Shatabda, Masud Hasan
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