

Segmentation of Multivariate Mixed Data via Lossy Data Coding and Compression

14 years 1 months ago
Segmentation of Multivariate Mixed Data via Lossy Data Coding and Compression
—In this paper, based on ideas from lossy data coding and compression, we present a simple but effective technique for segmenting multivariate mixed data that are drawn from a mixture of Gaussian distributions, which are allowed to be almost degenerate. The goal is to find the optimal segmentation that minimizes the overall coding length of the segmented data, subject to a given distortion. By analyzing the coding length/rate of mixed data, we formally establish some strong connections of data segmentation to many fundamental concepts in lossy data compression and rate-distortion theory. We show that a deterministic segmentation is approximately the (asymptotically) optimal solution for compressing mixed data. We propose a very simple and effective algorithm that depends on a single parameter, the allowable distortion. At any given distortion, the algorithm automatically determines the corresponding number and dimension of the groups and does not involve any parameter estimation. Sim...
Yi Ma, Harm Derksen, Wei Hong, John Wright
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where PAMI
Authors Yi Ma, Harm Derksen, Wei Hong, John Wright
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