

Peer-to-peer systems for discovering resources in a dynamic grid

14 years 2 months ago
Peer-to-peer systems for discovering resources in a dynamic grid
The convergence of the Grid and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) worlds has led to many solutions that try to efficiently solve the problem of resource discovery on Grids. Some of these solutions are extensions of P2P DHT-based networks. We believe that these systems are not flexible enough when the indexed data are very dynamic, i.e., the values of the resource attributes change very frequently over time. This is a common case for Grid metadata, like CPU loads, queue occupation, etc. Moreover, since common requests for Grid resources may be expressed as multi-attribute range queries, we think that the DHTbased P2P solutions are poorly flexible and efficient in handling them. In this paper we present two P2P systems. Both are based on Routing Indexes, which are used to efficiently route queries and update messages in the presence of highly variable data. The first system uses a tree-shaped overlay network. The second one is an evolution of the first, and is based on a two-level hierarchical net...
Moreno Marzolla, Matteo Mordacchini, Salvatore Orl
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where PC
Authors Moreno Marzolla, Matteo Mordacchini, Salvatore Orlando
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