

MobGeoSen: facilitating personal geosensor data collection and visualization using mobile phones

14 years 3 months ago
MobGeoSen: facilitating personal geosensor data collection and visualization using mobile phones
Mobile sensing and mapping applications are becoming more prevalent because sensing hardware is becoming more portable and more affordable. However, most of the hardware uses small numbers of fixed sensors that report and share multiple sets of environmental data which raises privacy concerns. Instead, these systems can be decentralized and managed by individuals in their public and private spaces. This paper describes a robust system called MobGeoSens which enables individuals to monitor their local environment (e.g. pollution and temperature) and their private spaces (e.g. activities and health) by using mobile phones in their day to day life. The MobGeoSen is a combination of software components that facilitates the phone's internal sensing devices (e.g. microphone and camera) and external wireless sensors (e.g. data loggers and GPS receivers) for data collection. It also adds a new dimension of spatial localization to the data collection process and provides the user with both...
Eiman Kanjo, Steve Benford, Mark Paxton, Alan Cham
Added 28 Dec 2010
Updated 28 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where PUC
Authors Eiman Kanjo, Steve Benford, Mark Paxton, Alan Chamberlain, Danae Stanton Fraser, Dawn Woodgate, David Crellin, Adrian Woolard
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