

Reasoning and identifying relevant matches for XML keyword search

13 years 12 months ago
Reasoning and identifying relevant matches for XML keyword search
Keyword search is a user-friendly mechanism for retrieving XML data in web and scientific applications. An intuitively compelling but vaguely defined goal is to identify matches to query keywords that are relevant to the user. However, it is hard to directly evaluate the relevance of query results due to the inherent ambiguity of search semantics. In this work, we investigate an axiomatic framework that includes two intuitive and non-trivial properties that an XML keyword search technique should ideally satisfy: monotonicity and consistency, with respect to data and query. This is the first work that reasons about keyword search strategies from a formal perspective. Then we propose a novel semantics for identifying relevant matches, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the only existing algorithm that satisfies both properties. An efficient algorithm is designed for realizing this semantics. Extensive experimental studies have verified the intuition of the properties and shown the ...
Ziyang Liu, Yi Chen
Added 28 Dec 2010
Updated 28 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Ziyang Liu, Yi Chen
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