

XTreeNet: democratic community search

14 years 9 days ago
XTreeNet: democratic community search
We describe XTreeNet, a distributed query dissemination engine which facilitates democratization of publishing and efficient data search among members of online communities with powerful full-text queries. This demonstration shows XTreeNet in full action. XTreeNet serves as a proof of concept for democratic community search by proposing a distributed novel infrastructure in which data resides only with the publishers owning it. Expressive user queries are disseminated to publishers. Given the virtual nature of the global data collection (e.g., the union of all local data published in the community) our infrastructure efficiently locates the publishers that contain matching documents with a specified query, processes the complex full-text query at the publisher and returns all relevant documents to querier.
Emiran Curtmola, Alin Deutsch, Dionysios Logotheti
Added 28 Dec 2010
Updated 28 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Emiran Curtmola, Alin Deutsch, Dionysios Logothetis, K. K. Ramakrishnan, Divesh Srivastava, Ken Yocum
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