

A constant-time dynamic storage allocator for real-time systems

14 years 2 months ago
A constant-time dynamic storage allocator for real-time systems
Dynamic memory allocation has been used for decades. However, it has seldom been used in real-time systems since the worst case of spatial and temporal requirements for allocation and deallocation operations is either unbounded or bounded but with a very large bound. In this paper, a new allocator called TLSF (Two Level Segregated Fit) is presented. TLSF is designed and implemented to accommodate real-time constraints. The proposed allocator exhibits time-bounded behaviour, O(1), and maintains a very good execution time. This paper describes in detail the data structures and functions provided by TLSF. We also compare TLSF with a representative set of allocators regarding their temporal cost and fragmentation. Although the paper is mainly focused on timing analysis, a brief study and comparative analysis of fragmentation incurred by the allocators has been also included in order to provide a global view of the behavior of the allocators. The temporal and spatial results showed that TLS...
Miguel Masmano, Ismael Ripoll, Patricia Balbastre,
Added 28 Dec 2010
Updated 28 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where RTS
Authors Miguel Masmano, Ismael Ripoll, Patricia Balbastre, Alfons Crespo
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