

Supporting self-organization for hybrid grid resource scheduling

14 years 2 months ago
Supporting self-organization for hybrid grid resource scheduling
Increasing scale, dynamism, and complexity of hybrid grids make traditional grid resource scheduling approaches difficult. In such grids, where resource volatility and dynamism is common, self-organization is a key technique for autonomous grid nodes to follow basic rules to minimize human participation, and administrative bottlenecks. This paper presents experimental results with a framework for distributed grid resource scheduling. In particular, we study information dissemination, which distributes information about dynamic grid resource states to remote schedulers. The framework helps each autonomous grid node self-organize by (1) self-configuring its operational parameters based on dynamic grid characteristics, and (2) self-adjusting its dissemination behavior by taking feedback from the system. The framework also helps distributed grid schedulers to find the tradeoff between two important performance parameters: dissemination overhead, and query satisfaction rates. We show by si...
Deger Cenk Erdil, Michael J. Lewis
Added 28 Dec 2010
Updated 28 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where SAC
Authors Deger Cenk Erdil, Michael J. Lewis
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