

A constraint hierarchies approach to geometric constraints on sketches

14 years 2 months ago
A constraint hierarchies approach to geometric constraints on sketches
We propose an approach that uses preferences on the constraints in order to deal with over-constrained geometric constraint problems. This approach employs constraint hierarchies, a paradigm that has close relations with the traditional graph-based approaches used in geometric constraint solving. We also remark that any geometric constraint problem defined by imposing relations on a sketch becomes overconstrained as soon as the sketch is imposed as a weak constraint representing the designers intents. As a result our method appears very appropriate in CAD/CAM tools.
Christophe Jermann, Hiroshi Hosobe
Added 28 Dec 2010
Updated 28 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where SAC
Authors Christophe Jermann, Hiroshi Hosobe
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