

Centralized and distributed algorithms for routing and weighted max-min fair bandwidth allocation

13 years 12 months ago
Centralized and distributed algorithms for routing and weighted max-min fair bandwidth allocation
Given a set of demands between pairs of nodes, we examine the traffic engineering problem of flow routing and fair bandwidth allocation where flows can be split to multiple paths (e.g., MPLS tunnels). This paper presents an algorithm for finding an optimal and global percommodity max-min fair rate vector in a polynomial number of steps. In addition, we present a fast and novel distributed algorithm where each source router can find the routing and the fair rate allocation for its commodities while keeping the locally optimal maxmin fair allocation criteria. The distributed algorithm is a fully polynomial epsilon-approximation (FPTAS) algorithm and is based on a primal-dual alternation technique. We implemented these algorithms to demonstrate its correctness, efficiency, and accuracy.
Miriam Allalouf, Yuval Shavitt
Added 29 Dec 2010
Updated 29 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TON
Authors Miriam Allalouf, Yuval Shavitt
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