

A Block Component Model-Based Blind DS-CDMA Receiver

14 years 2 months ago
A Block Component Model-Based Blind DS-CDMA Receiver
In this paper, we consider the problem of blind multiuser separation-equalization in the uplink of a wideband DS-CDMA system, in a multipath propagation environment with intersymbol-interference (ISI). To solve this problem, we propose a multilinear algebraic receiver that relies on a new third-order tensor decomposition and generalizes the parallel factor (PARAFAC) model. Our method is deterministic and exploits the temporal, spatial and spectral diversities to collect the received data in a third-order tensor. The specific algebraic structure of this tensor is then used to decompose it in a sum of user's contributions. The so-called Block Component Model (BCM) receiver does not require knowledge of the spreading codes, the propagation parameters, nor statistical independence of the sources but relies instead on a fundamental uniqueness condition of the decomposition that guarantees identifiability of every user's contribution. The development of fast and reliable techniques...
Dimitri Nion, Lieven De Lathauwer
Added 29 Dec 2010
Updated 29 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TSP
Authors Dimitri Nion, Lieven De Lathauwer
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