

Nonparametric Label-to-Region by Search

13 years 11 months ago
Nonparametric Label-to-Region by Search
In this work, we investigate how to propagate annotated labels for a given single image from the image-level to their corresponding semantic regions, namely Label-toRegion (L2R), by utilizing the auxiliary knowledge from Internet image search with the annotated image labels as queries. A nonparametric solution is proposed to perform L2R for single image with complete labels. First, each label of the image is used as query for online image search engines to obtain a set of semantically related and visually similar images, which along with the input image are encoded as Bags-of-Hierarchical-Patches. Then, an efficient two-stage feature mining procedure is presented to discover those input-image specific, salient and descriptive features for each label from the proposed Interpolation SIFT (iSIFT) feature pool. These features consequently constitute a patch-level representation, and the continuitybiased sparse coding is proposed to select few patches from the online images with preferen...
Xiaobai Liu, Shuicheng Yan, Jiebo Luo
Added 12 Jan 2011
Updated 12 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CVPR
Authors Xiaobai Liu, Shuicheng Yan, Jiebo Luo
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