

Real-Time Sensory Pattern Mining for Autonomous Agents

14 years 24 days ago
Real-Time Sensory Pattern Mining for Autonomous Agents
Abstract. Autonomous agents are systems situated in dynamic environments. They pursue goals and satisfy their needs by responding to external events from the environment. In these unpredictable conditions, the agents’ adaptive skills are a key factor for their success. Based on previous interactions with its environment, an agent must learn new knowledge about it, and use that information to guide its behavior throughout time. In order to build more believable agents, we need to provide them with structures that represent that knowledge, and mechanisms that update them overtime to reflect the agents’ experience. Pattern mining, a subfield of data mining, is a knowledge discovery technique which aims to extract previously unknown associations and causal structures from existing data sources. In this paper we propose the use of pattern mining techniques in autonomous agents to allow the extraction of sensory patterns from the agent’s perceptions in real-time. We extend some struc...
Pedro Sequeira, Cláudia Antunes
Added 12 Jan 2011
Updated 12 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ADMI
Authors Pedro Sequeira, Cláudia Antunes
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