

Dynamic Graph Generation and Dynamic Rolling Horizon Techniques in Large Scale Train Timetabling

14 years 2 months ago
Dynamic Graph Generation and Dynamic Rolling Horizon Techniques in Large Scale Train Timetabling
The aim of the train timetabling problem is to find a conflict free timetable for a set of passenger and freight trains along their routes in an infrastructure network. Several constraints like station capacities and train dependent running and headway times have to be satisfied. In this work we deal with large scale instances of the aperiodic train timetabling problem for the German railway network. The problem is modelled in a classical way via time discretised networks, its Lagrange-dual is solved by a bundle method. In order to handle the enormous number of variables and constraints dynamic graph generation and dynamic rolling horizon techniques are employed.
Frank Fischer, Christoph Helmberg
Added 12 Jan 2011
Updated 12 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Frank Fischer, Christoph Helmberg
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