—THIS PAPER IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE STUDENT PAPER AWARD. It is known that the capacity of parallel (e.g., multi-carrier) Gaussian point-to-point, multiple access and broadcast channels can be achieved by separate encoding for each subchannel (carrier) subject to a power allocation across carriers. Recent results have shown that parallel interference channels are not separable, i.e., joint coding is needed to achieve capacity in general. This work studies the separability, from a sum-capacity perspective, of single hop Gaussian interference networks with independent messages and arbitrary number of transmitters and receivers. The main result is that the only network that is always (for all values of channel coefficients) separable from a sumcapacity perspective is the MAC-Z-BC network, i.e., a network where a MAC component and a BC component are linked by a Z component. The sum capacity of this network is explicitly characterized.
Viveck R. Cadambe, Syed Ali Jafar