

An Upper Bound on Multi-hop Transmission Capacity with Dynamic Multipath Routing

14 years 1 months ago
An Upper Bound on Multi-hop Transmission Capacity with Dynamic Multipath Routing
This paper develops upper bounds on the end-to-end transmission capacity of multi-hop wireless networks. Potential source-destination paths are dynamically selected from a pool of randomly located relays, from which a closed-form lower bound on the outage probability is derived in terms of the expected number of potential paths. This is in turn used to provide an upper bound on the number of successful transmissions that can occur per unit area, which is known as the transmission capacity. The upper bound results from assuming independence among the potential paths, and can be viewed as the maximum diversity case. A useful aspect of the upper bound is its simple form for an arbitrary-sized network, which allows insights into how the number of hops and other network parameters affect spatial throughput in the non-asymptotic regime. The outage probability analysis is then extended to account for retransmissions with a maximum number of allowed attempts. In contrast to prevailing wisdom,...
Yuxin Chen, Jeffrey Andrews
Added 24 Jan 2011
Updated 24 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Yuxin Chen, Jeffrey Andrews
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