

A New Upper Bound on the Average Error Exponent for Multiple-Access Channels

14 years 1 months ago
A New Upper Bound on the Average Error Exponent for Multiple-Access Channels
A new lower bound for the average probability or error for a two-user discrete memoryless (DM) multiple-access channel (MAC) is derived. This bound has a structure very similar to the well-known sphere packing packing bound derived by Haroutunian. However, since explicitly imposes independence of the users’ input distributions (conditioned on the time-sharing auxiliary variable) results in a tighter sphere-packing exponent in comparison to Haroutunian’s. Also, the relationship between average and maximal error probabilities is studied. Finally, by using a known sphere packing bound on the maximal probability of error, a lower bound on the average error probability is derived.
Ali Nazari, S. Sandeep Pradhan, Achilleas Anastaso
Added 24 Jan 2011
Updated 24 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Ali Nazari, S. Sandeep Pradhan, Achilleas Anastasopoulos
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