

A Box-Consistency Contractor Based on Extremal Functions

14 years 1 months ago
A Box-Consistency Contractor Based on Extremal Functions
Abstract. Interval-based methods can approximate all the real solutions of a system of equations and inequalities. The Box interval constraint propagation algorithm enforces Box consistency. Its main procedure BoxNarrow handles one function f corresponding to the revised constraint, and one variable x, replacing the other variables of f by their current intervals. This paper proposes an improved BoxNarrow procedure for narrowing the domain of x when f respects certain conditions. In particular, these conditions are fulfilled when f is polynomial. f is first symbolically rewritten into a new form g. A narrowing step is then run on the non-interval extremal functions that enclose the interval function g. The corresponding algorithm is described and validated on several numerical constraint systems. 1 Motivation Interval-based solvers can solve systems of numerical constraints (i.e., nonlinear equations or inequalities over the reals). Their reliability and increasing performance make t...
Gilles Trombettoni, Yves Papegay, Gilles Chabert,
Added 24 Jan 2011
Updated 24 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CP
Authors Gilles Trombettoni, Yves Papegay, Gilles Chabert, Odile Pourtallier
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