

Testing Expressibility Is Hard

14 years 1 months ago
Testing Expressibility Is Hard
We study the expressibility problem: given a finite constraint language Γ on a finite domain and another relation R, can Γ express R? We prove, by an explicit family of examples, that the standard witnesses to expressibility and inexpressibility (gadgets/formulas/conjunctive queries and polymorphisms respectively) may be required to be exponentially larger than the instances. We also show that the full expressibility problem is co-NEXPTIME-hard. Our proofs hinge on a novel interpretation of a tiling problem into the expressibility problem. Key words: constraint, relation, expressive power, inverse satisfiability, structure identification, conjunctive query, primitive positive formula, polymorphism, domino system, nondeterministic exponential time
Ross Willard
Added 24 Jan 2011
Updated 24 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CP
Authors Ross Willard
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