

Keyword Extraction Using Word Co-occurrence

14 years 1 months ago
Keyword Extraction Using Word Co-occurrence
—A common strategy to assign keywords to documents is to select the most appropriate words from the document text. One of the most important criteria for a word to be selected as keyword is its relevance for the text. The tf.idf score of a term is a widely used relevance measure. While easy to compute and giving quite satisfactory results, this measure does not take (semantic) relations between words into account. In this paper we study some alternative relevance measures that do use relations between words. They are computed by defining co-occurrence distributions for words and comparing these distributions with the document and the corpus distribution. We then evaluate keyword extraction algorithms defined by selecting different e measures. For two corpora of abstracts with manually assigned keywords, we compare manually extracted keywords with different automatically extracted ones. The results show that using word co-occurrence information can improve precision and recall over ...
Christian Wartena, Rogier Brussee, Wout Slakhorst
Added 24 Jan 2011
Updated 24 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Christian Wartena, Rogier Brussee, Wout Slakhorst
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