

Characterising through Erasing: A Theoretical Framework for Representing Documents Inspired by Quantum Theory

14 years 1 months ago
Characterising through Erasing: A Theoretical Framework for Representing Documents Inspired by Quantum Theory
The problem of representing text documents within an Information Retrieval system is formulated as an analogy to the problem of representing the quantum states of a physical system. Lexical measurements of text are proposed as a way of representing documents which are akin to physical measurements on quantum states. Consequently, the representation of the text is only known after measurements have been made, and because the process of measuring may destroy parts of the text, the document is characterised through erasure. The mathematical foundations of such a quantum representation of text are provided in this position paper as a starting point for indexing and retrieval within a "quantum like" Information Retrieval system.
Alvaro Francisco Huertas-Rosero, Leif Azzopardi, C
Added 24 Jan 2011
Updated 24 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Alvaro Francisco Huertas-Rosero, Leif Azzopardi, C. J. van Rijsbergen
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