

Querying the future of spatio-temporal objects

14 years 1 months ago
Querying the future of spatio-temporal objects
Since navigation systems and tracking devices are becoming ubiquitous in our daily life, the development of efficient methods for processing massive sets of mobile objects are of utmost importance. Although future routes of mobile objects are often known in advance in many applications, this information is not fully utilized in most methods so far. In this paper, we reveal the beneficial effects of exploiting future routes for the early generation of the expected results of spatio-temporal queries. This kind of probable results is important for operative analytics in many applications like smart fleet management. In order to maintain the results of spatio-temporal queries under continuous changes of mobile objects, we present efficient methods for the maintenance of the results. Our methods make use of specific update patterns, which require substantially less maintenance costs than the most general case of an update. A set of experiments based on a commonly used simulation enviro...
Philip Schmiegelt, Bernhard Seeger
Added 25 Jan 2011
Updated 25 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where GIS
Authors Philip Schmiegelt, Bernhard Seeger
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