We define corner points in an image as the intersections among detected straight line segments, and propose an algorithm that detects corners from such a definition. Our corner detection algorithm CLDC then makes use of the LDC (Line Detection using Contours) algorithm from [19], which outputs the list of all detected line segments together with their endpoints. Each line segment is extended in a post-processing step. CLDC (Corners from LDC) then finds corners in O((n+I) log n) time, where n and I are the number of endpoints the intersections of line segments, respectively. Detected corners are linked via line segments that define them. Such an output of the corner detection algorithm is a novel concept. The algorithm is comparable in time complexity with other algorithms, while providing more information about the line segments in the image. CLDC is robust to image transformations, such as rotation and translations. Our CLDC is compared to some existing algorithm, and its advantages a...