Process calculi supporting mobile communication, such as the π-calculus, are often seen as an evolution of classical value-passing calculi, in which communication between processes takes place along a fixed network of static channels. In this paper, we attempt to bring these calculi closer by proposing a translation from the finite control fragment of the π-calculus to Lotos NT, a value-passing concurrent language with classical process algebra flavour. Our translation is succinct in the size of the π-calculus specification and preserves the semantics of the language by ensuring a one-to-one correspondence between the states and transitions of the labeled transition systems corresponding to the input π-calculus and the output Lotos NT specifications. We automated this translation by means of the Pic2Lnt tool, which makes it possible to analyze π-calculus specifications using all the state-of-the-art simulation and verification functionalities provided by the Cadp toolbox.