

On Fox Quotients of Arbitrary Group Algebras

14 years 23 days ago
On Fox Quotients of Arbitrary Group Algebras
For a group G and N-series G of G let In R,G(G), n ≥ 0, denote the filtration of the group algebra R(G) induced by G , and IR(G) its augmentation ideal. For subgroups H of G, left ideals J of R(H) and right H -submodules M of IZZ(G) the quotients IR(G)J/MJ are studied by homological methods, notably for M = IZZ(G)IZZ(H), IZZ(H)IZZ(G) + IZZ([H, G])ZZ(G) and ZZ(G)IZZ(N) + In ZZ,G(G) with N G where the group IR(G)J/MJ is completely determined for n = 2. The groups In−1 ZZ,G (G)IZZ(H)/In ZZ,G(G)IZZ(H) are studied and explicitly computed for n ≤ 3 in terms of enveloping rings of certain graded Lie rings and of torsion products of abelian groups. Keywords : group algebra, augmentation quotient, Fox subgroup, N-series, enveloping algebra.
Manfred Hartl
Added 27 Jan 2011
Updated 27 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IJAC
Authors Manfred Hartl
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