

A Computational Model of Multidimensional Shape

13 years 11 months ago
A Computational Model of Multidimensional Shape
We develop a computational model of shape that extends existing Riemannian models of shape of curves to multidimensional objects of general topological type. We construct shape spaces equipped with geodesic metrics that measure how costly it is to interpolate two shapes through elastic deformations. The model employs a representation of shape based on the discrete exterior derivative of parametrizations over a finite simplicial complex. We develop algorithms to calculate geodesics and geodesic distances, as well as tools to quantify local shape similarities and contrasts, thus obtaining a local-global formulation that accounts for regional shape differences and integrates them into a global measure of dissimilarity. The Riemannian shape spaces provide a common framework to treat numerous problems such as the statistical modeling of shapes, the comparison of shapes associated with different individuals and groups, and modeling and simulation of dynamical shapes. We give multiple exa...
Xiuwen Liu, Yonggang Shi, Ivo D. Dinov, Washington
Added 27 Jan 2011
Updated 27 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IJCV
Authors Xiuwen Liu, Yonggang Shi, Ivo D. Dinov, Washington Mio
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