

Routing and Scheduling for Energy and Delay Minimization in the Powerdown Model

13 years 11 months ago
Routing and Scheduling for Energy and Delay Minimization in the Powerdown Model
—Energy conservation is drawing increasing attention in data networking. One school of thought believes that a dominant amount of energy saving comes from turning off network elements. The difficulty is that transitioning between the active and sleeping modes consumes considerable energy and time. This results in an obvious trade-off between saving energy and provisioning performance guarantees such as end-toend delays. We study the following routing and scheduling problem in a network in which each network element either operates in the full-rate active mode or the zero-rate sleeping mode. For a given network and traffic matrix, routing determines the path along which each traffic stream traverses. For frame-based periodic scheduling, a schedule determines the active period per element within each frame and prioritizes packets within each active period. For a line topology, we present a schedule with close-tominimum delay for a minimum active period per element. For an arbitrary ...
Matthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Lisa Zh
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Matthew Andrews, Antonio Fernández, Lisa Zhang, Wenbo Zhao
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