

Leaping Multiple Headers in a Single Bound: Wire-Speed Parsing Using the Kangaroo System

13 years 11 months ago
Leaping Multiple Headers in a Single Bound: Wire-Speed Parsing Using the Kangaroo System
—More fundamental than IP lookups and packet classification in routers is the extraction of fields such as IP Dest and TCP Ports that determine packet forwarding. While parsing of packet fields used to be easy, new shim layers (e.g., MPLS, 802.1Q, MAC-in-MAC) of possibly variable length have greatly increased the worst-case path in the parse tree. The problem is exacerbated by the need to accommodate new packet headers and to extract other higher layer fields. Programmable routers for projects such as GENI will need such flexible parsers. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of the Kangaroo system, a flexible packet parser that can run at 40 Gbps even for worst-case packet headers. Because conventional solutions that traverse the parse tree one protocol at a time are too slow, Kangaroo uses lookahead to parse several protocol headers in one step using a new architecture in which a CAM directs the next set of bytes to be extracted. The challenge is to keep th...
Christos Kozanitis, John Huber, Sushil Singh, Geor
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Christos Kozanitis, John Huber, Sushil Singh, George Varghese
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