

Color Recognition Enhancement by Fuzzy Merging

14 years 1 months ago
Color Recognition Enhancement by Fuzzy Merging
This paper deals with color matching in a wood quality control problem. The main difficulty consists in the recognition of gradual color in an industrial context. The wood, which is a natural material, implies a subjective processing to make the controls. The current methods do not take into account the human aspect of the process. An improvement consists in integrating the imprecision of this subjectivity by using the concept of Fuzzy Sensor. Such a sensor has been developed and done with a Fuzzy Rule Classifier which is quite efficient with imprecise data. Then, in multi-face color matching case, the color recognition is enhanced by merging the outputs of the sensors used together. A specific fuzzy merging operator is proposed to use and compared with more classical merging methods. The obtained results show the efficiency of the proposed enhancement.
Vincent Bombardier, Emmanuel Schmitt, Patrick Char
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IPMU
Authors Vincent Bombardier, Emmanuel Schmitt, Patrick Charpentier
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