

Pruning Training Samples Using a Supervised Clustering Algorithm

14 years 9 days ago
Pruning Training Samples Using a Supervised Clustering Algorithm
As practical pattern classification tasks are often very-large scale and serious imbalance such as patent classification, using traditional pattern classification techniques in a plain way to deal with these tasks has shown inefficient and ineffective. In this paper, a supervised clustering algorithm based on min-max modular network with Gaussian-zero-crossing function is adopted to prune training samples in order to reduce training time and improve generalization accuracy. The effectiveness of the proposed training sample pruning method is verified on a group of real patent classification tasks by using support vector machines and nearest neighbor algorithm. Key words: Supervised clustering, Min-max modular network, Gaussian-zerocrossing function, Patent classification, Training sample pruning
Minzhang Huang, Hai Zhao, Bao-Liang Lu
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ISNN
Authors Minzhang Huang, Hai Zhao, Bao-Liang Lu
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