

A Simple Linear Time LexBFS Cograph Recognition Algorithm

13 years 11 months ago
A Simple Linear Time LexBFS Cograph Recognition Algorithm
Recently lexicographic breadth first search (LexBFS) has been shown to be a very powerful tool for the development of linear time, easily implementable recognition algorithms for various families of graphs. In this paper, we add to this work by producing a simple two LexBFS sweep algorithm to recognize the family of cographs. This algorithm extends to other related graph families such as P4-reducible, P4-sparse, and distance hereditary. It is an open question whether our cograph recognition algorithm can be extended to a similarly easy algorithm for modular decomposition. Key words. graph algorithms, cograph recognition, linear time algorithms, LexBFS, P4-free graphs, modular decomposition AMS subject classification. 05C85 DOI. 10.1137/060664690
Anna Bretscher, Derek G. Corneil, Michel Habib, Ch
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Anna Bretscher, Derek G. Corneil, Michel Habib, Christophe Paul
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