

Context-aware, self-scaling Fuzzy ArtMap for received signal strength based location systems

14 years 1 months ago
Context-aware, self-scaling Fuzzy ArtMap for received signal strength based location systems
Location awareness is the key capability of mobilecomputingapplications. Despitehighdemand, indoor location technologies have not become truly ubiquitous mainly due to their requirements of costly infrastructure and dedicated hardware components. Received signal strength (RSS) based location systems are poised to realize economical ubiquity as well as sufficient accuracy for variety of applications. Nevertheless high resolution RSS based location awarenessrequirestedioussensordatacollectionandtraining of classifier which lengthens location system development life cycle. We present a rapid development approach based on online and incremental learning method which significantly reduces development time while providing competitive accuracy in comparison with other methods. ConSelFAM (Context-aware, Self-scaling Fuzzy ArtMap) extends the Fuzzy ArtMap neural network system. It enables on the fly expansion and reconstruction of location systems which is not possible in previous systems. Keyw...
Uzair Ahmad, Andrey Gavrilov, Young-Koo Lee, Sungy
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where SOCO
Authors Uzair Ahmad, Andrey Gavrilov, Young-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee
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