

Multiview segmentation and tracking of dynamic occluding layers

13 years 11 months ago
Multiview segmentation and tracking of dynamic occluding layers
We present an algorithm for the layered segmentation of video data in multiple views. The approach is based on computing the parameters of a layered representation of the scene in which each layer is modelled by its motion, appearance and occupancy, where occupancy describes, probabilistically, the layer’s spatial extent and not simply its segmentation in a particular view. The problem is formulated as the MAP estimation of all layer parameters conditioned on those at the previous time step; i.e. a sqeuential estimation problem that is equivalent to tracking multiple objects in a given number views. Expectation-Maximisation is used to establish layer occupancy and visibility (which are represented distinctly) posterior probabilities. Evidence from areas in each view which are described poorly under the model is used to propose new layers automatically. Since these potential new layers often occur at the fringes of images, the algorithm is able to segment and track these in a single ...
Ian D. Reid, Keith Connor
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IVC
Authors Ian D. Reid, Keith Connor
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