

q-Partition algebra combinatorics

14 years 1 months ago
q-Partition algebra combinatorics
We study a q-analog Qr(n, q) of the partition algebra Pr(n). The algebra Qr(n, q) arises as the centralizer algebra of the finite general linear group GLn(Fq) acting on a vector space IRr q coming from r-iterations of Harish-Chandra restriction and induction. For n ≥ 2r, we show that Qr(n, q) has the same semisimple matrix structure as Pr(n). We compute the dimension dn,r(q) = dim(IRr q) to be a q-polynomial that specializes as dn,r(1) = nr and dn,r(0) = B(r), the rth Bell number. Our method is to write dn,r(q) as a sum over integer sequences which are q-weighted by inverse major index. We then find a basis of IRr q indexed by n-restricted q-set partitions of {1, . . . , r} and show that there are dn,r(q) of these.
Tom Halverson, Nathaniel Thiem
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JCT
Authors Tom Halverson, Nathaniel Thiem
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