

Evaluation of Conditional Preference Queries

13 years 11 months ago
Evaluation of Conditional Preference Queries
The need for incorporating preference querying in database technology is a very important issue in a variety of applications ranging from e-commerce to personalized search engines. A lot of recent research work has been dedicated to this topic in the artificial intelligence and database fields. Several formalisms allowing preference reasoning and specification have been proposed in the AI domain. On the other hand, in the database field the interest has been focused mainly in extending standard SQL with preference facilities in order to provide personalized query answering. More precisely, the interest in the database context focuses on the notion of top-k preference query and on the development of efficient methods for evaluating these queries. A top-k preference query returns k data tuples which are the most preferred according to the user’s preference hierarchy. Of course, top-k preference query answering is closely dependent on the particular preference model underlying the s...
Fabiola S. F. Pereira, Sandra de Amo
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JIDM
Authors Fabiola S. F. Pereira, Sandra de Amo
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