

An Extensible Modular Recognition Concept That Makes Activity Recognition Practical

14 years 1 months ago
An Extensible Modular Recognition Concept That Makes Activity Recognition Practical
Abstract. In mobile and ubiquitous computing, there is a strong need for supporting different users with different interests, needs, and demands. Activity recognition systems for context aware computing applications usually employ highly optimized off-line learning methods. In such systems, a new classifier can only be added if the whole recognition system is redesigned. For many applications that is not a practical approach. To be open for new users and applications, we propose an extensible recognition system with a modular structure. We will show that such an approach can produce almost the same accuracy compared to a system that has been generally trained (only 2 percentage points lower). Our modular classifier system allows the addition of new classifier modules. These modules use Recurrent Fuzzy Inference Systems (RFIS) as mapping functions, that not only deliver a classification, but also an uncertainty value describing the reliability of the classification. Based on the un...
Martin Berchtold, Matthias Budde, Hedda Rahel Schm
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where KI
Authors Martin Berchtold, Matthias Budde, Hedda Rahel Schmidtke, Michael Beigl
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