

Weak Equivalences in Psi-Calculi

13 years 11 months ago
Weak Equivalences in Psi-Calculi
Psi-calculi extend the pi-calculus with nominal datatypes to represent data, communication channels, and logics for facts and conditions. This general framework admits highly expressive formalisms such as concurrent higher-order constraints and advanced cryptographic primitives. We here establish the theory of weak bisimulation, where the τ actions are unobservable. In comparison to other calculi the presence of assertions poses a significant challenge in the definition of weak bisimulation, and although there appears to be a spectrum of possibilities we show that only a few are reasonable. We demonstrate that the complications mainly stem from psi-calculi where the associated logic does not satisfy weakening. We prove that weak bisimulation equivalence has the expected algebraic properties and that the corresponding observation congruence is preserved by all operators. These proofs have been machine checked in Isabelle. The notion of weak barb is defined as the output label of a c...
Magnus Johansson, Jesper Bengtson, Joachim Parrow,
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where LICS
Authors Magnus Johansson, Jesper Bengtson, Joachim Parrow, Björn Victor
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