

Breaking the Rectangle Bound Barrier against Formula Size Lower Bounds

14 years 26 days ago
Breaking the Rectangle Bound Barrier against Formula Size Lower Bounds
Karchmer, Kushilevitz and Nisan formulated the formula size problem as an integer programming problem called the rectangle bound and introduced a technique called the LP bound, which gives a formula size lower bound by showing a feasible solution of the dual problem of its LP-relaxation. As extensions of the LP bound, we introduce novel general techniques proving formula size lower bounds, named a quasi-additive bound and the Sherali-Adams bound. While the SheraliAdams bound is potentially strong enough to give a lower bound matching to the rectangle bound, we prove that the quasi-additive bound can surpass the rectangle bound.
Kenya Ueno
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where MFCS
Authors Kenya Ueno
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