

Algorithms for optimal dyadic decision trees

14 years 1 months ago
Algorithms for optimal dyadic decision trees
Abstract A dynamic programming algorithm for constructing optimal dyadic decision trees was recently introduced, analyzed, and shown to be very effective for low dimensional data sets. This paper enhances and extends this algorithm by: introducing an adaptive grid search for the regularization parameter that guarantees optimal solutions for all relevant trees sizes, replacing the dynamic programming algorithm with a memoized recursive algorithm whose run time is substantially smaller for most regularization parameter values on the grid, and incorporating new data structures and data pre-processing steps that provide significant run time enhancement in practice. Keywords Decision tree · Classification · Learning algorithm
Don R. Hush, Reid B. Porter
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ML
Authors Don R. Hush, Reid B. Porter
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