

Modeling Features at Runtime

14 years 1 months ago
Modeling Features at Runtime
A feature represents a functional requirement fulfilled by a system. Since many maintenance tasks are expressed in terms of features, it is important to establish the correspondence between a feature and its implementation in source code. Traditional approaches to establish this correspondence exercise features to generate a trace of runtime events, which is then processed by post-mortem analysis. These approaches typically generate large amounts of data to analyze. Due to their static nature, these approaches do not support incremental and interactive analysis of features. We propose a radically different approach called live feature analysis, which provides a model at runtime of features. Our approach analyzes features on a running system and also makes it possible to “grow” feature representations by exercising different scenarios of the same feature, and identifies execution elements even to the sub-method level. We describe how live feature analysis is implemented effecti...
Marcus Denker, Jorge Ressia, Orla Greevy, Oscar Ni
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Marcus Denker, Jorge Ressia, Orla Greevy, Oscar Nierstrasz
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