

A Proxy Mobile IPv6 Based Global Mobility Management Architecture and Protocol

14 years 1 months ago
A Proxy Mobile IPv6 Based Global Mobility Management Architecture and Protocol
This paper specifies a global mobility management architecture and protocol procedure called GPMIP, which is based on Proxy Mobile IPv6. In GPMIP, mobility management is performed by the network entity rather than individual mobile nodes. The benefit is the elimination of the wireless link data delivery tunnel overhead between a mobile node and the access router. To compare with the well known Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 mobility management protocol, the location update, packet delivery, and total cost functions generated by a mobile node during its average domain residence time are formulated for each protocol based on fluid flow mobility model. Then, the impacts of various system parameters on the cost functions are analyzed. The analytical results indicate that the proposed global mobility management protocol can guarantee lower total costs. Furthermore, a qualitative comparison between GPMIP and some other global management protocols is also investigated. Keywords global mobility mana...
Huachun Zhou, Hongke Zhang, Yajuan Qin, Hwang-Chen
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Huachun Zhou, Hongke Zhang, Yajuan Qin, Hwang-Cheng Wang, Han-Chieh Chao
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