

Comparison of HDTV formats using objective video quality measures

13 years 11 months ago
Comparison of HDTV formats using objective video quality measures
In this paper we compare some of the objective quality measures with subjective, in several HDTV formats, to be able to grade the quality of the objective measures. Also, comparison of objective and subjective measures between progressive and interlaced video signal will be presented to determine which scanning emission format is better, even if it has different resolution format. Several objective quality measures will be tested, to examine the correlation with the subjective test, using various performance measures. Keywords Video quality. PSNR . VQM . SSIM . TSCES . HDTV. H.264/AVC . RMSE . Correlation
Emil Dumic, Sonja Grgic, Mislav Grgic
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where MTA
Authors Emil Dumic, Sonja Grgic, Mislav Grgic
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