

A Basic Characterization of Relation Migration

13 years 11 months ago
A Basic Characterization of Relation Migration
Abstract. Representing and reasoning over evolving objects has been investigated widely. Less attention has been devoted to the similar notion of relation migration, i.e., how tuples of a relation (ORM facts) can evolve along time. We identify different ways how a relation can change over time and give a logicbased semantics to the notion of relation migration to capture its behaviour. We also introduce the notion of lifespan of a relation and clarify the interactions between object migration and relation migration. Its use in graphical conceptual data modelling is illustrated with a minor extension to ORM2 so as to more easily communicate such constraints with domain experts.
C. Maria Keet, Alessandro Artale
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where OTM
Authors C. Maria Keet, Alessandro Artale
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