

Order-Preserving Moves for Graph-Cut-Based Optimization

14 years 1 months ago
Order-Preserving Moves for Graph-Cut-Based Optimization
— In the last decade, graph-cut optimization has been popular for a variety of labeling problems. Typically graph-cut methods are used to incorporate smoothness constraints on a labeling, encouraging most nearby pixels to have equal or similar labels. In addition to smoothness, ordering constraints on labels are also useful. For example, in object segmentation, a pixel with a “car wheel” label may be prohibited above a pixel with a “car roof” label. We observe that the commonly used graphcut α-expansion move algorithm is more likely to get stuck in a local minimum when ordering constraints are used. For a certain model with ordering constraints, we develop new graphcut moves which we call order-preserving. The advantage of orderpreserving moves is that they act on all labels simultaneously, unlike α-expansion. More importantly, for most labels α, the set of α-expansion moves is strictly smaller than the set of order-preserving moves. This helps to explain why in practice ...
Xiaoqing Liu, Olga Veksler, Jagath Samarabandu
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where PAMI
Authors Xiaoqing Liu, Olga Veksler, Jagath Samarabandu
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