

FTDS: Adjusting Virtual Computing Resources in Threshing Cases

14 years 1 months ago
FTDS: Adjusting Virtual Computing Resources in Threshing Cases
—In the virtual execution environment, dynamic computing resource adjustment technique, configuring the computing resource of virtual machines automatically according to the actual loads generated by applications, is often adopted in virtual machine monitor to improve the resource utilization rate. Traditionally, the simple Additive Increase Subtractive Decrease (AISD) scheme is used as an adjusting rule. However, in some special situations, for example, compiling kernel in the virtual machine, the configuration of virtual machines may change abruptly because of the violent vibration of workload during a short interval, and the threshing can inevitably result in additional overhead under AISD rule. In this paper, we extend the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) algorithm and present a feedback control model for configuring virtual computing resources, and propose an innovative adjusting scheme called Forecasting and Time Delayed Subtraction (FTDS) to reduce the overhead caused by...
Jian Huang, Hai Jin, Kan Hu, Zhiyuan Shao
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where PDP
Authors Jian Huang, Hai Jin, Kan Hu, Zhiyuan Shao
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