

Extraction of building polygons from SAR images: Grouping and decision-level in the GESTALT system

14 years 21 days ago
Extraction of building polygons from SAR images: Grouping and decision-level in the GESTALT system
The GESTALT-System is a stratified architecture for challenging computer vision tasks. This contribution focuses on the 3rd and 4th layer of it – the grouping and decision layers. As example application building recognition from high resolution SAR-Data is presented. The 3rd layer contains an assessment driven perceptual grouping process with any-time capability and flexible control. Important grouping principles such as good continuation and symmetry are utilized. A dynamic programming optimization is used in the final decision and postprocessing layer to find closed polygons that describe the outlines of buildings. Further post processing includes polygon editing and consistency enforcement.
Eckart Michaelsen, Uwe Stilla, Uwe Soergel, Leo J.
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where PRL
Authors Eckart Michaelsen, Uwe Stilla, Uwe Soergel, Leo J. Doktorski
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