

RoadTrack: Scaling Location Updates for Mobile Clients on Road Networks with Query Awareness

14 years 1 months ago
RoadTrack: Scaling Location Updates for Mobile Clients on Road Networks with Query Awareness
Mobile commerce and location based services (LBS) are some of the fastest growing IT industries in the last five years. Location update of mobile clients is a fundamental capability in mobile commerce and all types of LBS. Higher update frequency leads to higher accuracy, but incurs unacceptably high cost of location management at the location servers. We propose ROADTRACK – a roadnetwork based, query-aware location update framework with two unique features. First, we introduce the concept of precincts to control the granularity of location update resolution for mobile clients that are not of interest to any active location query services. Second, we define query encounter points for mobile objects that are targets of active location query services, and utilize these encounter points to define the adequate location update schedule for each mobile. The ROADTRACK framework offers three unique advantages. First, encounter points as a fundamental query awareness mechanism enable us t...
Péter Pesti, Ling Liu, Bhuvan Bamba, Arun I
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Péter Pesti, Ling Liu, Bhuvan Bamba, Arun Iyengar, Matt Weber
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