Abstract. Software flaws in applications such as a browser may be exploited by attackers to launch drive-by-download (DBD), which has become the major vector of malware infection. We describe a host-based detection approach against DBDs by correlating the behaviors of humanuser related to file systems. Our approach involves capturing keyboard and mouse inputs of a user, and correlating these input events to filedownloading events. We describe a real-time monitoring system called DeWare that is capable of accurately detecting the onset of malware infection by identifying the illegal download-and-execute patterns. Analysis based on the arrival methods of top 100 malware infecting the most number of systems discovered that 53% of infections are through download [1]. In another study, 450,000 out of 4.5 millions URLs were found to contain drive-bydownload exploits that may be due to advertisement, third-party contents, and user-contributed contents [2]. Drive-by-download (DBD) attacks e...